Senior Session Styling | Ensuring Variety in your Gallery



Well-rounded photo galleries: Let’s talk about them and my passion to give everyone what they want for their graduation session.

The grads typically want artistic and creative, with a touch of whimsical and movement. The parents (and grandparents) typically want mostly smiling, traditional, and posed images with just a smidgeon of artistic and whimsey.

Here is a quick graphic that breaks down each style:

This combination isn’t exclusive to graduation photos. Couples and families want this type of variety as well.

Ensuring Variety

The funny thing is that while the movement, whimsical, and artistically styled photos are super trendy and fun (because, hey, these photos should be FUN), the bulk of the images printed and used for the yearbook almost always fall into the traditional group. Clean, well-lit, and smiley.

My challenge as a photographer is to offer a combination of all styles to my client. First and foremost, the client is the graduate. Let’s be honest though; mom and dad are usually footing the bill, so they are also a primary client and should be considered.

Curating this variety is no easy task but one I take very seriously as these photos are valued for a lifetime. We certainly want traditional, but we also want to showcase styles, trends, and personality – which is where the whimsical and creative come in.

Let’s take a look at these three categories so you have a better understanding of my photography philosophy and what I typically deliver to my senior session clients.

Book Your 2022 (Class of 2023) Senior Session Today

By the way, my email/phone has been BLOWING up for graduation sessions now that we have started to warm up. I have a VERY limited amount of space available for the end of August and a couple during September (June, July, and most of August are FULL). Fill out my contact form here for information on booking your 2022 graduate’s senior photo session!


These photo types are often headshots, and are centered, smiling directly at the camera, clean backdrops, and contain even lighting.

Artistic & Creative

This category includes interesting lighting, powerful backgrounds, strong lines, reflective surfaces, and varied facial expressions.

Movement & Whimsey

These photographs create motion through movement of the grad or clothing items with volume. We can also create movement with elements in the foreground or background like wind or water.


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